Restaurante Rociero Bodegón de la Blanca Paloma | Kitchen
Andalusia is known for its landscapes, culture and tourism, but especially for its food (gazpacho, ham, wine, oil, etc.).

Jerez has a very varied and complex gastronomy, cooking Jerez is full of traditional recipes that have come down to us by parents to children. The Menudo, the Kale, Tomato Blood, Cola de Toro, Tongue, kidneys in sherry, and so on. They are typical regional dishes. With the kitchen of Restaurant De La Blanca Paloma Rociero you can enjoy the sensations, aromas and fragrances of a cuisine very personal.Basada in grandmothers recipes, and so traditional, artisanal and coddling dish, dishes made with our professionals dishes filled with culinary wisdom with a cultural flavor products always thinking only of our customers.

Our kitchen has clear sides, the peasant, the mountain and the sea port. We have obtained traditional recipes to get a varied gastronomy, thanks to the particular field of wildlife products such as asparagus or the cigars, which can take in our establishment, thanks to a scrambled our professionals carefully prepare. Seafood highlight our extensive list of species of fresh seafood from the ocean waters and estuaries of the coast from Cadiz. The peasant cuisine with a huge variety available, crop land in the countryside and all kinds of meat, the Iberian pork, beef autochthonous poultry and small game and more.

Therefore we emphasize the development of traditional cuisine and especially our most authentic and famous dish in the world, Chickpeas with prawns, a mixture of seafood, farm and mountains.

We also have dishes such as garlic Jerez camper, bulls tail, liver, seasoned, cabbage or homemade Iberian pork rinds.

Other specialties: dam Iberian pork smelled old, veal in almond sauce, secret Iberian golden back, prawns from Sanlúcar. They shape our gastronomic proposal with the certainty that it will exceed his capacity for wonder.

Within our course we must mention the sausages, and so chosen personally by Mr. Jose Caballero in slaughterhouses that used in its production craft the best ways known to get a top quality product. Iberian ham, cheese, loin, blood sausage, chorizo, sausage, black pudding, all top quality and authentic flavor.
Restaurante Rociero Bodegón de la Blanca Paloma
Ctra. Trebujena Km. 2,5 (Cañada del Moro), Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) - ESPAÑA
Tel. (+34) 956 314 750  Fax. (+34) 956 302 198  Móvil: (+34) 609 117 270
Registro Turístico: R / CA / 01457
Restaurante Blanca Paloma ha sido beneficiario/a del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, cuyo objetivo es conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo y gracias al cual ha acudido a la Misión comercial a Tánger (Marruecos) 2024. Esta acción tuvo lugar el 24 y 25 de abril de 2024. Para ello, ha contado con el apoyo del Programa Pyme Global de la Cámara de Comercio de Jerez de la Frontera.
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